Setting up Terraform to work with a GCP project
this is my updated process to a previous guide i've used: written by Edgar Ochoa
What will you learn?
in this guide we will go through the steps to set up Terraform to work with a GCP Project using GCP Cloud Storage as your backend backend.
What do you need before starting?
to follow this guide you need to:
- be familiar with the GCP Console /
cli: - have some basic understanding of GCP services such as Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Cloud Storage.
- have installed
💡 tip: you'd need to enable Cloud Storage and an IAM API's. through the console or or using the cli
Let’s get started
1. Set up your gcloud Configuration
Set up your gcloud
configuration to the project that you will be working with.
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
next step is to set your own user credentials for Terraform in order to access the APIs:
gcloud auth application-default login
2. We'll create a service account for our project
recommend using a naming convention:
💡 tip: the short name should be something related to the project name you are using.
The name of my service account is: sa-demo-tf-sbx
- Demo: my project is called
- Sbx: the environment I’m using is called
gcloud iam service-accounts create sa-demo-tf-sbx \
--description="Terraform Service account Demo Sandbox Environment" \
--display-name="Terraform Service Account"
3. Provide your freshly created service account with the necessary roles and permissions
We will now provide the service account with the necessary roles and permissions. We will be granting the project Editor permission for a full list of possible roles you that can find here.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
--member="" \
We will be impersonating this service account to make all our changes. In order to do this, we need to grant ourselves the necessary permissions. You can do it like this:
3.1. First: get the policies for the service account and save it in policy.json
gcloud iam service-accounts get-iam-policy \
–-format=json > policy.json
3.2. Modify the policy.json to add yourself as member to the role
Remember to append the rest of policies that already exist:
"etag": "ACAB",
“bindings”: [
“members”: [“”],
“role”: “roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator”
3.3. Update the policies with the policy.json file
gcloud iam service-accounts set-iam-policy \
4. Create a bucket that will hold your Terraform State
Now choose the name of the bucket. You can use this naming convention:
Example: in this case it will be demo–sbx–tf-state
This bucket will help you to keep the Terraform state in a location that is shared across all developers. It is a good practice to keep the states of Terraform with versioning.
⚠️ you'd need to make sure that you have enabled GCP storage api; or else the
command bellow will fail, you can enable it though the console or running the commandgcloud services enable
gsutil mb gs://demo-sbx-tf-state
gsutil versioning set on gs://demo-sbx-tf-state
5. Write the Terraform
Now, let’s write the Terraform for this project. In order to do this we will need:
- a terraform file
- a .tfvars file
- a backend configuration file
- a terraform variables file
if you're unsure how to structure the Terraform code? you can use this as a starting point.
│ gcp-demo-sbx.tfvars
│ gcp-demo-sbx.backend
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
we will focus on the
This is the main of our Terraform code. We will be using the Google Provider. Use the following code as starting point:
provider “google” {
project = var.project_id
region = var.region
zone =
impersonate_service_account = var.tf_service_account
5.2.: gcp-demo-sbx.tfvars
Fill this with the variables that can be used for each environment.
project_id = “demo-sbx-tf-state”
region = “us-west1”
zone = “us-west1-a”
tf_service_account = “”
5.3.: gcp-demo-sbx.backend
# This file contains the definition of the backend, the bucket name, the prefix to use to save the state and the service account to impersonate.
bucket = “demo-sbx-tf-state”
prefix = “static.tfstate.d”
impersonate_service_account = “”
This will enable you to keep track of exactly which version of Terraform you are using and each provider that is required.
terraform {
required_version = "~>1.5.0"
backend "gcs" {}
required_providers {
google = {
source = "hashicorp/google"
version = "~> 4.78.0"
6. Initialise the Terraform code
The next step is to initialise the Terraform code using the following command:
terraform init -backend-config=gcp-demo-sbx.backend
7. Create a workspace
Now you can create a workspace. Workspaces should be created for each environment.
terraform workspace new gcp-demo-sbx
8. Plan and apply
Now you can plan and apply the solution.
terraform plan –out tf.plan –var-file=gcp-demo-sbx.tfvars && tf apply tf.plan
Improvements to this process
- it is possible to leverage the IAM module from the Google Cloud Provider to manage all your permissions.
- it's also possible to enable and manage the required GCP API's using terraform instead of the
Congratulations! You can now set up Terraform and set up its backend in the GCP Cloud Storage. 🎉